August 28

My Future Job

When I Grow Up

By, Luke Egan

When I grow up I want to be an app creator. The reason I want to be one is because it is fun creating things that can be fun. I was inspired by the creator of the App Store. He made it to were people can sell their apps. The things you need to learn to create an app is coding , find a .com , and , get a good Engineer Degree.

That is why I want to be an app creator.

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August 28

Week 3

My 3rd week at school was awesome. First i did sumdog  and that was fun. second we did reading buddies . Third we did a lot of tests. I had lots of fun!DSC_0246

Category: Shcool | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 14

1st Week

Hi I’m Luke, my first week at school was fun! I made a superhero video and got super powers! We made comics and had fun. We also played gaga ball in the pit. I’ve had a fun time!



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